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Booking and Fees

1-2 hrs


Bookings of up to 2 hours including set up and clear down time (fee depends on type of event/no. of participants etc)

2-3 hours


Bookings of up to 3 hours including set up and clear down time (fee depends on type of event/no. of participants etc)

Half-day session


Any morning (9am - 1pm) afternoon (1pm - 5pm) or evening (5pm - 9pm) inc set up/clear down time

All day


Exclusive use of the hall for the entire day (9am - 9pm)

Fees may be varied up or down to take account of the type of use, number of people using the hall, potential impact on the hall etc.   Please contact us to discuss your requirements.


All equipment belonging to the hirer must be taken away at the end of the hire period, and the hirer is responsible for leaving the hall clean and tidy.



To view the full booking guidelines for the Hall, please click on the PDF link

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